Making Dad Proud | MSgt Jordan Lloyd

Welcome back to another episode of The AirPower Hour!  On today's episode I had the awesome opportunity to sit down with MSgt Jordan Lloyd.  

MSgt Lloyd started her Air Force career as a mechanic and moved on to the Recruiting career field.  She was selected to help create the new computer program that recruiters use to complete the enlistment process for future Airmen.  This is a monumental task and MSgt Lloyd has an integral part in the future of recruiting for the Air and Space Force.  In this episode we talked about why she decided to join and one of the largest influencers in her life, her Dad.  MSgt Lloyd will be a lifelong friend of mine, one of the many I have had the honor to gain by joining the Air Force.  
Enjoy the story of MSgt Jordan Lloyd.
Making Dad Proud | MSgt Jordan Lloyd
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